Greenwood Stories

Greenwood Stories is a video series that focuses on the history of Greenwood during the 1940s-1960s, before Urban Renewal. Each video features an interview with a Greenwood elder, sharing stories of N. Tulsa that today are in danger of being ignored or forgotten. Greenwood was a thriving community after the Tulsa Massacre, and this history is very important for Tulsa to understand. Just as the city hid the history of Greenwood before and during 1921, Greenwood's successes after the massacre were hidden as well, and there are living elders today who have much to say, and much to teach us about the Greenwood that they grew up in.


Greenwood Stories

The Greenwood Stories project is a collaboration between Tri-City Collective and Jenkin Lloyd-Jones Press at All Souls Church.


Special thanks for support provided by the Ruth Nelson Foundation.


Thanks to our community partners ahha Tulsa, Greenwood Cultural Center, TulsaPeople magazine, and Vernon AME Church.